Saturday, April 23, 2011

Things I Learned from...Life

Back-up. Back-up, back-up, and back it up again.

I kept my computer backed-up in an external hard drive. I also kept a ton of pictures and videos in the same external hard drive. Then, one day, while it was sitting on the floor it tipped over and made a thud. Fourteen hundred dollars later, I have everything back.

Fortunately, Geek Squad City was able to retrieve just about all of my files. The ones that were messed up a little I was able to replace using my back-up files.

The moral is, back-up everything. The cloud is probably the best place to back up, because systems store the information on multiple servers, and they won't be stolen or broken easily. But that makes me paranoid, even if no one cares about my collection of Doctor Who pictures.

My novel I send to my e-mail after every day of writing. This way I will hopefully never have to do a Jo March.

Are you backed up? Which method have you chosen?
Here are some "bad" files that were recovered.

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